Organic Sleepy Tea


Approximately 3 servings 


Plants are Medicine! 
There are so many plants that offer health benefits and offer relief for so many ailments.
We collected some of our favorite herbs to combine a powerhouse tea to help improve quality of sleep, anxiety, and stress.
Smell/Taste: Bold and sweet flavor taste.
Helps with: Sleep, anxiety, calming and relaxing.
Instructions for tea: Steep 2 tbsp in 8 oz of hot water for 3-6 minutes. Contains Approx 2-3 servings.
Ingredients: Rose hips, Stevia, Cinnamon, Chamomile, Raspberry leaf, Valerian, Hops, Oatstraw
Benefits of each herb used:
  • Rose Hips: Rose Hips Tea at bedtime helps with deeper sleep, and it’s an awesome way to increase vitamin C.
  • Stevia: Natural plant sweetener added to the tea
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is known to help overcome insomnia. Cinnamaldehyde is the main compound believed to play a role in improving sleep quality in insomnia.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile has been used to treat insomnia and to induce sedation (calming effects). Chamomile is widely regarded as a mild tranquillizer and sleep-inducer.
  • Raspberry Leaf: The tea leaves are naturally high in magnesium, potassium, iron, and b vitamins. It’s helpful for nausea and leg cramps (which may improve sleep).
  • Hops: Hops seem to act similarly to the hormone estrogen which causes sleepiness. People commonly use hops for anxiety, sleep disorders, restlessness, symptoms of menopause, and many other conditions. Used as a sedative.
  • Valerian: Some studies show that it helps people fall asleep faster and feel that they have a better quality of sleep. Used as sedative.
  • Oatstraw: Oastraw is deeply nourishing for the nervous system, and having a well-nourished nervous system is conducive to better sleep.
You will need a tea infuser. Copy and paste link below for a cheap and easy reference. 
All of our herbs are grown in a organic super soil mix. All of our herbs have been grown and harvested in small batches all hands on by us personally or locally sourced.


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